from the band:
I am a Sponge: PART ONE

I am who I am musically because of what I have absorbed. My first love music-wise was the Gambler himself – Kenny Rogers. When I got my first cassette player/phonograph/8-track combo for Christmas in 1980 or so, Santa was kind enough to throw in Kenny’s Greatest Hits. I proceeded to wear that tape out and dreamed of being like Kenny one day. Over the next two years or so, my father took me to two Kenny concerts in Tallahassee’s Civic Center. That was my first taste of live music, and I was hooked. Well, here I am in 2003, making my living by writing and playing music, just like Kenny….sort-of. Actually, he didn’t/doesn’t write or play that much, he just sings. I don’t sing at all (thankfully for y’all), I just write and play. And he has pectoral implants and a facelift (it’s true), and I don’t. Oh yeah, and he’s rich and famous, and I’m not. So maybe it’s a stretch to say I ended up like Kenny, but I am thankful that we share the same occupation. Thanks to Santa for planting the seed!

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